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Top Diplomat: US Welcomes Progress in Talks with North Korea, But Sanctions Will Remain

US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo said on Sunday that Washington believes that progress has been made in denuclearization talks with North Korea, but it is too early to ease sanctions against Pyongyang so far.
News ID: 71136
Publish Date: 08July 2018 - 13:53

Top Diplomat: US Welcomes Progress in Talks with North Korea, But Sanctions Will RemainTEHRAN (Defapress)- "While we are encouraged by the progress of these talks, progress alone does not justify relaxing the sanctions regime," he stated.

According to the US diplomat, the sides had "productive, good-faith negotiations" that will continue in the coming days and weeks.

He stressed that North Korea reiterated its commitment for full denuclearization and readiness to engage in detailed discussions regarding next steps toward full and verifiable denuclearization, adding that North Korea also confirmed its obligation to destroy its missile engine testing facility.

On top of that, North Korea agreed to hold a meeting in mid-July in Panmunjom to discuss repatriation of remains of US servicemen, killed during the Korean War.

Pompeo announced that during his visit to Pyongyang, the United States and North Korea agreed to create working groups to deal with implementation of the joint US-North Korean statement, adopted by US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Singapore on June 12.

The top diplomats from the United States, Japan and South Korea gathered for three-party talks in Tokyo on Sunday. Prior to that, the US Secretary of State paid a two-day visit to Pyongyang to discuss North Korean denuclearization with the country’s leadership.


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