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An Excerpt from Sardar Soleimani's Will

I desperately ask you to associate them in your paradise with your Divine guardians and give me the benefit of experiencing their presence in the Hereafter (Afterworld).
News ID: 84465
Publish Date: 03January 2024 - 16:43

My God! I am really grateful that you have transferred me from generation to generation, century to century, fromAn Excerpt from Sardar Soleimani's Will one descendant to another, and allowed me to live and exist at a time when I could understand one of the most prominent OwliyA-o-LLAH, who is close to the infallibles (masoomeen), your righteous Abd, Khomeini the Great, and became his soldier.
Although I did not have the felicity as that of the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad Mustafa and I was not lucky to live in the time of oppressedness of Ali ibn Abi Talib and his innocent and oppressed successors, but you put me on the path, the path same as what they sacrificed their lives for.
God! I am thankful that after your Abd Saleh, dear Khomeini, you put me on the path of another Abd Saleh, a man who is the sage of today's Islam, Shiism, Iran and the Islamic political world, dear Khamenei - may my life be sacrificed for him…
Lord ! Thank you for linking me with your best Abds - that is, the Mujahideen and the martyrs of this path- and giving me the happiness of kissing their heavenly cheeks and smelling their divine scent.
God! O Dear Qader! O Rahman and Razzaq! I greatly thank you for putting me on the path of Fatimah At'har and her descendant in Shia religion, the true fragrance of Islam, and for giving me the prosperity to shedding tears for the descendant of Ali bin Abi Talib and Fatimah At'har.
What a great blessing, which is your highest and most valuable blessing! A blessing in which there is light and spirituality; The restlessness that has the highest peace and tranquility inside, the sadness that has peace and spirituality.
O God! I'm highly grateful for giving me the happiness of having poor parents, but religious and loving Ahl al-Bayt and continuously on the path of purity.

I desperately ask you to associate them in your paradise with your Divine guardians and give me the benefit of experiencing their presence in the Hereafter (Afterworld).
O God! I am in the hope of your forgiveness! O dear God and Khaa'ligh (Creator) and incomparable Hakim (sage)! My hand is empty and my supply (for coming to you) is nothing, I come without any achievements, hopeful of your forgiveness and mercy. I have not taken any provision; When there is a generous God, does a poor person need any savings?
My reserve is brimfull of hope for you and your grace and mercy; I have brought two closed eyes, whose only wealth, along with all the impurities, is a precious treasure, which is the gem of tears on Hossein of Fatima; the gem of tears on Ahl al-Bayt; the gem of tears of defense of the oppressed, the defense of the orphan, the defense of the oppressed in the grip of the oppressor.
O God! There is nothing in my hands; They do not have [anything] to offer, nor do they have the power to defend, but I have stored in my hands something for which I am hopeful, and that is to be constantly flowing towards you.
When I raised them up towards you, when I put them on the ground and on my knees for you, when I took up the weapon to defend your religion, these are my wealth that I hope you will accept.
O God! My feet are weak, they have no strength. These feet do not dare to cross the bridge that crosses the Hell. My feet are shaking even on a simple bridge! Woe to me! (how to pass bridge) Serat , which is thinner than hair and sharper than a sword!
But there is a hope that promises me that I may not tremble, that I may be saved! I have stepped with these feet in the sanctuary (Ha'ram), I have circumambulated around your Kaaba and I have run these feet naked in the shrine of the holy saints and between the shrines of Hussein and Abbas ...

I desperately ask you to associate them in your paradise with your Divine guardians and give me the benefit of experiencing their presence in the Hereafter (Afterworld).
O God! I am in the hope of your forgiveness! O dear God and Khaa'ligh (Creator) and incomparable Hakim (sage)! My hand is empty and my supply (for coming to you) is nothing, I come without any achievements, hopeful of your forgiveness and mercy. I have not taken any provision; When there is a generous God, does a poor person need any savings?
My reserve is brimfull of hope for you and your grace and mercy; I have brought two closed eyes, whose only wealth, along with all the impurities, is a precious treasure, which is the gem of tears on Hossein of Fatima; the gem of tears on Ahl al-Bayt; the gem of tears of defense of the oppressed, the defense of the orphan, the defense of the oppressed in the grip of the oppressor.
O God! There is nothing in my hands; They do not have [anything] to offer, nor do they have the power to defend, but I have stored in my hands something for which I am hopeful, and that is to be constantly flowing towards you.
When I raised them up towards you, when I put them on the ground and on my knees for you, when I took up the weapon to defend your religion, these are my wealth that I hope you will accept.
O God! My feet are weak, they have no strength. These feet do not dare to cross the bridge that crosses the Hell. My feet are shaking even on a simple bridge! Woe to me! (how to pass bridge) Serat , which is thinner than hair and sharper than a sword!
But there is a hope that promises me that I may not tremble, that I may be saved! I have stepped with these feet in the sanctuary (Ha'ram), I have circumambulated around your Kaaba and I have run these feet naked in the shrine of the holy saints and between the shrines of Hussein and Abbas ...

I have folded these feet in long trenches... In defense of your religion I've run, jumped, crawled, cried, I've laughed and made others laugh, I've cried and made others cry, I've fallen and risen. I hope that you will forgive my feet for the reward of those jumpings and crawlings and for the honor of those shrines (Harams)...
O God! My head, my intellect, my lips, my ears, my heart, all my parts and all my organs live in this hope; O Most Merciful! (Ya Arham Al Rahemin)! Accept me! Accept me clean (pure)! Accept me in the way that I become worthy of your visit! I don't want anything but to meet you, my paradise is being next to you, O Allah!
O God! I have been left behind the caravan of my friends...Dear God! I have been left behind from a caravan for many years and I am constantly dispatching others towards it, I myself have been left behind, while you know that I have never been able to forget them... Their memory, their name, not in my mind but in my heart and in my eyes, is constantly remembered with tears and sighs.
My dear! My body is getting sick and weak. How is it possible that you do not accept someone who has stood and awaited on divine Hareem for forty years? My creator! my dear! my love! I have ever asked you to fill my entire being with love for youself, so in your separation (feragh) burn me and kill me!
My Dear God! I have proceeded to the deserts to escape from the restlessness and disgrace of staying; There is a hope that attracts me from this city to another and from this desert to another in the winter and in the summer!
Kareem! Habib! I am attached to your mercy and grace! You know I love you! You know well that I don't want anyone but you. So connect me to yourself! Oh my God, I am filled with fear. I am not able to control my ego (soul), so don't disgrace me!
My god, my love, I love you. I saw you many times and felt that I can't be separated from you. It's enough, enough! Accept me, but in the way that I deserve you.

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